Comic Book Think Tank

Comic Book Think Thank was founded in late 2012 by me and Daniel Govar with the intent to exploring digital comics and how digital devices and lifestyles affected visual storytelling. We collaborated on building a shareware digital comics reader and a number of made-for-digital comics.
Since then I have also founded Union Combine. While not exactly the same, Union Combine’s goals are similar and in many ways overlap those of Comic Book Think Tank; digital comics, progressive storytelling, technology, and the like. As a result I’ve decided to consolidate some of the content previously found on Comic Book Think Tank with the content you’ll find here on Union Combine.
Digital Comics and Other Content
Two digital comics from Comic Book Think Tank are now available from Union Combine; RELAUNCH and THE ROAD GOES EVER ON. Both are the result of collaborations with artist Daniel Govar.
Hopefully you enjoy the content and, by all means, if you have any suggestions please feel free get in touch. Thanks!